Wednesday, November 27, 2013

"If God is so perfect and holy, why did He make us sinful?"

This question is a common one.

First let me remind you that you're right, HE made you. HE created you and gave you life. He did NOT have to do that - He is God. We know nothing about what it means to be HIM - in all His holiness.

That being said... :)


He created us, freely gave us life, with the choice (our own choice) to either be HIS, and live in perfection for all eternity - or to be our own governor and use our own rationality – and choose sin – and we are humans, not God, not perfect, so we all SIN. 

What is sin? Don’t like being called a sinner? We are all sinners. It is because to sin means to:

Do something that is contrary to God's nature. God is all that is good, just and pure – therefore if you do something contrary to His perfect nature, you are doing something NOT good – you are sinning. YES. IT’S THAT EASY. People take it personally and “feel bad” well…it is what we ARE. Sinners…out doing things “contrary to God's nature” all the time. 

And the punishment for sin is death. Why? Well. If God continued to let everyone go on living, and sinning and sinning– then He would NEVER, EVER have TRUE communion with His created beings and those beings would never experience the glory that is God in heaven. Death is NOT AN ENDING. God RAISES the dead, He tells us all about it…what’s important is what the dead CHOSE before they died. Death is NOT A BAD THING. Murder is bad, car wrecks are bad, earthquakes are bad, and floods are bad, but just because people DIE? No. The only reason we fear death or think it is a bad thing – is because we are afraid to face a HOLY GOD ON JUDGEMENT DAY – instead of being RECONCILED with that God, knowing the truth, and knowing that death is not the end nor is it the gateway to eternal torment (not torture, torment…torment is pain and suffering – but no one is there with you inflicting it ON you, that would be torture. Torment just…is. No fire and pitchforks…just torment. No light – no nothing – and full awareness for all eternity – it is a complete separation from God.) So, because we know we are only worthy of that place – we have suppressed the truth, because we are ashamed. We should ALL go to that place of torment because we have ALL done things contrary to God’s nature. 

Knowing this, God had this give us a GIFT because (although we are unworthy) He LOVES US. He is the ultimate “parent.” So He "took care" of us, every one of us since Adam... He "took care" of all of us, better than we could any of our own children. We give them life (so to speak...we bring them into the physical world) SO – we give them life in that way, and do we then not hope they do the right thing, but not force them to???

God did it first  

Choosing HIM is the right thing. But it is a CHOICE. And He won’t FORCE you to choose the right thing. He can only show you every reason TO choose Him – if you look. 

SO in order to PROVE that HE and only HE is the RIGHT CHOICE (because of COURSE He doesn't want any of us to go to that awful place…) in order to prove this to us in the most PERFECT and JUST way....and because He can do ANYTHING …

He CHOSE…… do this:

He came as a man, He allowed Himself to be brutally and publicly murdered, for no reason whatsoever.

Not only did He commit no earthly crime and was arrested and killed, but He did not commit ONE spiritual one. He did not sin. Because He was God. The price for sin is innocent blood. 

Who carried out the first animal sacrifice for sin?
God did. In the garden. For Adam and Eve and their original sin…

“ Also for Adam and his wife the Lord God made tunics of skin, and clothed them.” Genesis 3:21

This is documented right after God gives judgment to Satan, Eve and Adam – God using skin, meant an innocent animal had to die.

The price for our sins…would be INNOCENT BLOOD. And to wash them away forever it would have to be the blood of a man. Who has innocent blood but Jesus? 

So think about sin as a SPIRITUAL crime. (Think about it, our court system is BASED ON GOD’S LAWS) JESUS OF NAZARETH – the only SPIRITUALLY INNOCENT man to EVER walk this earth…was MURDERED…His blood was spilled in order to pay for the spiritual crimes of ALL the other humans who ever walked the earth, who were not innocent, who had sinned. 

I feel like as unbelievable outstanding and mind blowing as the God of the Bible IS – that the story it tells is simply the ONLY PERFECT WAY – for an Almighty God, in His perfection, to create other BEINGS that would be able to EXPERIENCE His WONDER for all eternity (out of PURE LOVE…how powerful is that? Why do you think love means so much to so many people…? We are seeking HIS PERFECT LOVE) The only perfect way for Him to create other beings to experience that – was to have them procreate physically, so that He may GIVE them SPIRITUAL life IF they ASK for it. He would not be able to give it to us had Jesus not already died on the cross and shed His innocent blood as payment – because we sin – we are not perfect – yet. 

Why would He not be able to give us spiritual life before we ask for that? BECAUSE HE CANNOT BE IN THE PRESENCE OF SIN and so when we ASK for FORGIVENESS by the blood of Christ we ARE FORGIVEN because we know that was GOD on that cross – who came and lived a sin free life and allowed HIS blood to be shed FOR ALL SIN. Once we say “Ok God, I believe you” and allow Him to come into our lives and take control, we are closer to the state man was made to be in daily, if we pursue a Christ-likeness daily.

So, He created Adam and Eve with LIVING spirits – so they were in their perfect form, because God cannot be in the presence of sin – He is so holy His presence would destroy us – So when they sinned, their spirits died and they lost communion with God. This was intentional as well, I believe – ONLY GOD can give spiritual life, and He can only Give that spiritual life when it is asked for, because instead of being like Adam and Eve who had living spirits and already had communion with God and still chose their own will over His, we are dead in spirit so that we may come to KNOW His awesome power, accept it and be given life that we will cling to… so death HAS to come into play – because since God is infinite – He had to make US everlasting AND PERFECT in order to be in His presence for all eternity. And we know, our physical bodies are NOT eternal. So He promises to give us a new spiritual body upon His return.

Adam and Eve weren't a mistake – death must take place in order for there to be REBIRTH. We get new bodies that are not of Adam so they are untainted, and our spirits, having been awakened here on earth when we ask for forgiveness of our sins by the innocent blood of Jesus Christ, go into those new bodies and we are ABLE – we are ABLE to never sin again and live eternally in the awesome presence of God. Sinless, and satisfied…because we will be where we are MEANT to be.

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