Wednesday, November 27, 2013

*Faith Statement*

Now while I am just another person looking for an outlet in writing, since I am going to be doing a lot of writing about God I wanted anyone who chose to read my blogs to know exactly where I stood on the subject of God. So I am writing this faith statement to hopefully answer any and all questions someone may have about my faith.

When I speak of God, I speak of the God of the Bible. I believe the Bible to be true in its entirety. I understand certain texts are descriptive (describing something for us so that we can learn and understand more) and other texts are PREscriptive (telling us to DO those things) and I believe the Bible and its intent are skewed terribly in the mouths of most of us, and that includes preachers/pastors and those who consider themselves teachers of the Word. (**I pray that anything I say about God be in truth and in His will - if someone thinks I am in error in any way feel free to point it out to me. I will not however respond to hateful things - only things someone else or myself can learn from**)

God is a TRIUNE God (One God, three "persons" of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.)God is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient (God is everywhere and always has been, God is all powerful, God is all knowing) (Proverbs 15:3, Isaiah 46:10, Isaiah 45:7)

God is perfect, holy and eternal - therefore anything He creates is not perfect, holy or eternal - not God. In order that He may show love and how awesome He is - He created this world with man as the crown of creation - we are made in the image of God. This means we are triune in nature as well, body, soul and spirit... (1 Thessalonians 5:23 ) However, there is a problem...

We, not being God, are therefore not perfect. We all SIN (sin, original translation means to "miss the mark") And so God created us so that He COULD make us perfect (perfect, original translation means "mature") 

God, in all His holiness, cannot be in the presence of sin. (Isaiah 6:3Habakkuk 1:13) In order to fix this problem, He became a human. The person of Jesus Christ, lived the only sinless life (showing us HOW to live in the process) and allowed Himself to be crucified, murdered. 

The solution was not just His death, no...the finisher of His solution was when He rose from the dead. Hundreds of eye witness accounts, documented. He did this so that we might believe. And He did this because the only way to pay for the sins of every human that ever lived, was if He Himself was the sacrifice. Animal sacrifices described in the Old Testament were only to point to the One, the final sacrifice. Jesus.

If we humble ourselves to the one and only God, knowing that He knows us better than ourselves and so we can put our FULL trust in Him, if we do that He will grant us everlasting spiritual life. That is when we are reborn. We are born again SPIRITUALLY. Born of God. (John 3:1-21From then on we have the same body, but new desires and new aspirations (God's will, we seek it)

I believe when we receive our new spiritual bodies, for our already obtained spirits, that is the perfected, mature state, of the human being. Death is just something that has to happen in ORDER for us to become everlasting, and exist with God for the rest of eternity.

I knew nothing of Jesus or the Bible when I repented and was reborn. I came to LEARN about Jesus and the Bible in my walk with God. So the Bible isn't needed for salvation, neither is the knowledge of Christ and the fact He was (is) God. All that is needed is for someone to put their trust in GOD. We are saved by grace through FAITH. (Ephesians 2:8)

If anyone has questions about God, the Bible, or their faith, please feel free to discuss with me. I don't have a PHD in this but I am a fervent student of His word and I will be happy to talk with anyone about this :)

1 comment:

  1. Great statement. :) I added you as a desktop icon! So I can keep up!


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