Meeting Jesus

Have you met Jesus? 
If not, you may scoff at the very idea of meeting Him when someone like me mentions it. Or, you may just think that I can believe whatever I believe, and that is fine because it does not affect you.

Well, that's the thing about truth. Whether or not we believe it does not make it true or untrue. Truth precedes the one who arrives at it, and does not change based on the belief of any individual.

In other words, 2+2 really does = 4.

This also disproves the notion that "your truth is your truth, my truth is my truth" - because logically two contradicting truths can not be true. (2+2 can never equal anything else - just as the life, death and resurrection of Jesus cannot be explained away, only accepted as truth or simply ignored.)

If you met Jesus, you would never be the same. Therefore, if you are the same, you have not met Jesus.

Who is Jesus?

Jesus is God, according to Himself and the God of the Bible. Jesus' disciples also accepted Him as Lord. (John 10:30, John 8:58, John 1:1-14)

"How can I meet Jesus, didn't He die?"

Yes and no. Not only did He exist before the beginning, He came as a man, He was crucified, and He died a death that was reserved for rapists and thieves. The Creator of skin, wrapped Himself in flesh and allowed it to be beaten and marred beyond recognition and hung on a cross til He drew His last breath and gave up His life.

But then, three days later He rose, and was seen by hundreds of eyewitnesses. He laid down His life and took it up again so that we would see the divinity of His nature. So we would see that He was the Living God. (John 10:17-18)

And He still lives. He ascended into heaven as seen by eyewitnesses, and is now with us (in us) as the Holy Spirit, guiding us and teaching us gently and humbly just as He did while He walked the earth among us.

So, when you turn from your sin and turn to God, take Him at His Word, and put your trust in Him, you do meet Him. And you are never the same, because you become born again of the Spirit. And each of us should have our own personal experience of how we became born again, that which we call a "testimony."

When you are born again, you no longer have the same desires you had previously, worldly desires, you hunger and thirst for righteousness (His righteousness) truth (His truth) and you know He is the only One Who can lead you into further knowledge of Him. And He is Who you are looking for now, whereas before you were seeking your own satisfaction, fulfillment, or pleasure.

That is why I started this blog. I met the God of the universe when I first repented and turned to Him, I was reborn, and though I still struggle with sin daily I have come to see that the longer I lived a "normal" life - the more restless my spirit became. Writing truly helps me think through things and I have been told my words help others, so wanted to make it all available. And document any of my findings, things I learn or simply want to share. I turned from my old ways and am now trying to fix my eyes on Him and His ways - hence the blog name "transformation documentation" ...

I am a wife and mother. I also call myself an artist, singer, photographer, writer and more - but all those things are secondary to my discipleship of Christ and the pull on my heart for ministry. Slowly I have been shedding the things of this world and seeking Him and His kingdom first. My initial step of faith was leaving my full time job to come home and care for our baby, knowing He would provide (and He has.) Since then I have been lead into greater truths, largely with the help of my husband, and I want nothing more than to share His glory with the world, knowing that there are those out there who would believe and be saved.

For if we die without a relationship with God, without being born of spirit, we cannot reside with God for the rest of eternity, because "
God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." John 4:24

We know we are physical beings who are going to die. That is our problem. The result of sin is death, and we all sin, so we all die. And the Bible, the God of the Bible, and therefore Jesus Christ, is the only solution to that problem...the problem of death.

I will do what I can when I can how I can to aid in revealing truth to others. However God leads me to do so. Please write with any questions about God, salvation or this world in general that you may have and I will do my best to answer you.


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Peace and Blessings.