Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Grand Proposal

My maiden name means "burnt meadow" or "burnt woodland clearing" - shortly after coming to know God, I came to know my husband. My maiden name, fittingly, "burned up" and I took on a new one.

Because of the tradition of swapping names, I actually looked into it to see if it was something I cared to do. Brides originally took the last name of their bridegroom not to show he is greater, but to signify them surrendering their life, their being, to this man, all that he is, and for his love that he will provide for her. The man, likewise, surrenders his very name, and being, to the woman. Extending his existence into another being - hers alone.

Beautiful - at least I think so. Maybe you do, too.

That's because God made man and woman to be a picture of Christ and His Bride (the church - the entire born again population that exists with Him forever) In heaven, God will provide everything, perfectly for everyone, and (of course) know everything...and by definition God is eternal (we were made to learn......about Him.....hence eternity is "set in our hearts") There - this new world (coming after this one is somewhat like a "burnt meadow") this...Heaven we've heard so much about, He will have perfect union with His people.

It is as if God proposed to us...the human race, if we follow the Bible's logic. He gives us a new identity, and we gladly give our lives to Him for it.

Hey - you think maybe that is why men began "popping the question" ... ? Makes it harder to say ... no. ;D !

<3 But God...He is patient.

'All flesh is grass,
    and all its beauty is like the flower of the field.
The grass withers, the flower fades
    when the breath of the Lord blows on it;
    surely the people are grass.
The grass withers, the flower fades,
    but the word of our God will stand forever.'
Isaiah 40:6-8