Thursday, November 28, 2013

Correct me if I'm wrong..?

Before you read..let me ask, judgment ;) I know I sound crazy. But I can't help but point things out. Appreciate it!

If you are like me, you were taught evolution in school. You took the tests (maybe cheated :P) passed biology and moved on. So we came from monkeys…no big deal…

Well the big deal is that it doesn't agree with the Bible. If you don’t believe the Bible that’s fine keep reading (might want to skip down to where I begin again with “OK…” :P) because I don’t use the Bible to disprove evolution…but for anyone who thinks evolution and the Bible can “get along” let me tell you why I have come to see they can’t…

- We are made in God’s image – If we are made in His image, we did not evolve from ‘lesser’ beings. He made the animals separate, and fully functioning. He made everything “according to its kind”
- We cannot take manmade data ("evolution", alleged fossil record) and bring it TO the Bible and try to make it make sense. If we are going to say the Bible is the word of God, we either need to accept it in its entirety or stop trying to make it say something it doesn’t.
- It says ‘days’ …six days of creation. There is no hint of metaphor or simile here – if we can accept that GOD made everything and came as a human and died for our sins – why is it so hard to believe that He made everything in a week? The account in Genesis is meant to be taken literally, our holy and righteous God does not need millions/billions of years to create. Nor does anything in the Bible suggest this. So stating otherwise is bringing your own ideas (or someone else’s) TO the text, rather than taking FROM the text.

Here is a great little point about the Bible and Evolution (video):


After studying (on a cellular level) how reproduction takes place, I can NOT accept evolution as a truth. I will try and explain why, here:

                                                       (click to enlarge)

- Parent organisms DNA is replicated (COPIED) in a germline cell that will then become sperm or egg - regardless of mutations occurring, or how many occurred down one line of organisms, the idea that this resulted in every single living thing on this earth is beyond impossible.That, is a LOT haha - 2011 study suggests 8.7 million different species - and "the study, published by PLoS Biology, says a staggering 86% of all species on land and 91% of those in the seas have yet to be discovered, described and catalogued." 


Genetic mutations (which usually lead to maladies) resulting in every single wonderfully formed and perfectly functioning creature - I just can't see with the evidence we have, that this is true. The creatures are too specifically designed; ALL of their parts had to be there at once in order for them to exist. Some creatures demonstrate this more obviously than others, but ultimately we can observe this with any animal if we wanted to. 

- Mutations are variations of an organism's DNA – definition:  "Changes in the nucleotide sequence of the genetic material (i.e. DNA, or RNA, in the case of viruses), which are usually caused by copying errors during replication that further lead to base substitution, insertion, or deletion of one or more base pairs." Ok, but we cannot assume (yes, ASSUME) a series of mutations can result in a NEW animal (regardless of how many mutations take place) why can't we assume this? I will try to explain next...

- Genetic information isn't ADDED - EVER. It is ONLY taken away and/or rearranged. So we are simply never going to get a fully functioning, entirely different animal from ANOTHER animal. DNA is information that tells us what we are going to be right down to every cell. Shoot, it tells cells what kind of cells they are going to be haha. So DNA for an animal will continue to be just that, DNA for that kind of animal. Genetic traits and such can change and vary (such as color patterns, size, even shape)

But, the process of meiosis (the process that makes sperm/egg cells) is so precise - that if a mutation DID occur that somehow would result in a NEW feature on an animal, it would NOT be able to match up with it's partner (be it sperm or egg) because they must be half of the genetic information for the SAME animal in order to unite and begin developing. They must MATCH.

I wish an evolutionist could explain to me how new creatures were ever born...ever.

If a mutation 
occurred that would result in a brand new animal in a mother's egg (impossible, but let's pretend...) then the sperm that happened to make it to that egg among the millions - had to have mutated in the same way in order to unite with the mutated egg and begin forming a new creature...and if a new creature was born to that mother, how would the mother know how to care for it? How would the first individual of any kind of "new" animal ever make it past its first week?? Day even?

- Claims are made that the "fossil record" proves evolution. All I have to say here is that when someone shows me a fossil record of where one creature evolved into another creature, I will change my stance. The ONLY evidence we have is for fully formed, fully functional creatures. There is still NO explanation as to how those creatures "evolved" - it is all postulation and assumption. There are, literally, NO transitional fossils in existence. 

- Lastly, evolution has never been observed. Applying what is called microevolution (adaptation) to the idea that is macroevolution does not work because one involves variations of genetic information within a specie and one involves completely new genetic information somehow coming into existence. ("It didn't just come into existence it formed over time" is a completely air-filled statement, because we do NOT see this occurring in nature, ever, so accepting it as FACT results in it being a BELIEF no matter what anyone says) So, microevolution, or adaptation, is basically the only thing that evolutionists claim as evidence - problem is with adaptations we ONLY ever see the SAME kind of animal come out of them. A perfect example is how there are SO many breeds of dogs. Those are ALL genetic mutations. You will never see anything come out of a dog, that isn't a dog. No matter how much breeding you do, you will always...get...dogs.

Oh look! "Quantum Evolution" :P

Quote from an evolutionary website:
"The worldwide scientific research community from over the past 150 years has discovered that no known hypothesis other than universal common descent can account scientifically for the unity, diversity, and patterns of terrestrial life. This hypothesis has been verified and corroborated so extensively that it is currently accepted as fact by the overwhelming majority of professional researchers in the biological and geological sciences."

Really. NO OTHER KNOWN HYPOTHESIS? (hypothesis: is a proposed explanation for a phenomenon - hahaha can't be tested or anything, just proposed) This, my friends, is because the world of science rejects the idea of intelligent design. I suggest you try and check out Expelled - a documentary (a funny one, even, Ben Stein hosts...) exploring how scientists (not "religious" people either) are shunned, fired, and more for even mentioning intelligent design in their work. When the scientific world should be free for everyone to explore whatever idea they want. Not only that, but these scientists are finding that with the preciseness and complexities of what they are studying, intelligent design is the most logical conclusion for decent of life. They also interview opposing views as well. Very good documentary. Anyway, the "hypothesis" that makes the most sense, is intelligent design. It CAN account for "unity, diversity, and patterns of terrestrial life." ...whether someone wants to believe it or not. No reason to exclude it from the hypothesis options altogether.

So back to reproduction, I am about to state a quote from a site describing the process of meiosis...the process in which our DNA is replicated in one cell, doubled then divided twice so that four cells with half the necessary chromosomes for a human are in existence, each being from the same DNA but, the best way I can put this is, not IDENTICAL. These are the cells (chromosomes) that will make up either the mother's egg or the father's sperm cell. Quite literally, how we all came into being.


Meiosis does that. It GENERATES the diversity of all sexually reproducing organisms... 

So, how did meiosis start? How did sexually reproducing organisms start being made to sexually reproduce if there were no sexually reproducing organisms to produce them??? How, when there is absolutely no life, no organization, no anything at ALL - can something this complex, perfect, and unchanging - come into being? It cannot. Never mind the creation of the earth itself - because nothing but God explains that either - simply take into consideration this tiny process that no one ever gives two thoughts about...But it is HOW we EXIST.

Below is a link to a short video describing meiosis. Love. Shows just how complex life is and how saying this isn't DESIGNED is crazy...respectively speaking :) And it shows how if something is going to reproduce, there is no room for error if life is going to continue to exist – meaning – saying we evolved from anything else makes no sense when you see how we are made from our parents DNA…we are copies. That is how life is able to continue as it has – by living organisms copying themselves…”Each after its own kind” 


And you can check out my YouTube videos for some videos on evolution and such.

(images from Google searches - 'Your Life' image from

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

YouTube Videos

This is just a spot to reference my "liked" YouTube videos. The only reason I am posting this here is so that others might see the lovely, intriguing videos I deem worthy of a "like" :P

If you actually like what I liked here - keep checking back. I will be liking more videos for your reference :P

Still Think The Bible and Science Don't Coincide? Think Again.

Below are some reasons why I disagree with the statement above :) Enjoy.
(Isaiah 40:22)“It is He who sits above the circle of the earth”
Discovery Claim: Pythagorus proposed that the Earth was round sometime around 500 B.C. though it was not accepted as a possibility until much later, and not confirmed until even later.

The verse in Isaiah was written: between 740-680 B.C. - about 240-180 years before the Greek had the thought, and declared it with boldness before anyone else was sure for centuries. Also, the translation of the Hebrew word used to describe the earth in this verse of Job ("chuwg") means, "to be made spherical" - our translations use the word 'circle' here. I underline 'made' to enhance the Hebrew emphasis on Creator God...who made it that way.)

(Ecclesiastes 1:7)“All the rivers run into the sea,Yet the sea is not full; To the place from which the rivers come, There they return again.”

(Job 36:27-29)"For He draws up drops of water, Which distill as rain from the mist, Which the clouds drop down And pour abundantly on man. Indeed, can anyone understand the spreading of clouds, The thunder from His canopy?"
Discovery Claim: 16TH Century (1501 to 1600)

This verse was written: (Ecc) between the years 971 and 931 B.C. (Job) between 1900 and 1700 B.C. --- both thousands of years prior to our understanding of this process.


Everything we see, is made up of things we can not see (particles).

"Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear." (Hebrews 11:3 - written about 65 AD ... the elemental particles were not discovered until the 19th century (1800s) - this biblical declaration was made about 1700 years before it was realized.)

"God spoke" is how the Bible describes the universe coming into existence, a simple explanation to humans how Almighty God creates - He speaks, it is so. Energy was produced from the "sound" of God's "voice", we know sound creates waves (sound waves, hence sound particles) eventually these sound waves become light, on terms of a scale (below) interestingly enough the first WORDS God spoke were indeed, "Let there be LIGHT" ... both light and sound need time and distance to travel, in the first lines of Genesis, we can see the basic math of the physical universe come into existence. Any other theory would simply imply that something came from nothing, which is a scientific impossibility...without God. And His Word.



(Leviticus 17:13-14)“who hunts and catches any animal or bird that may be eaten, he shall pour out its blood and cover it with dust; for it is the life of all flesh. Its blood sustains its life. Therefore I said to the children of Israel, ‘You shall not eat the blood of any flesh, for the life of all flesh is its blood.”

Discovery Claim: Late 19th century is when I have found more information was obtained as far as disease processes and the importance of blood, because: Until the late 19th century (1850-1900) bloodletting was a common practice in the medical field, intended to cure ailments of many kinds. In the majority of cases, the use of bloodletting was harmful to patients. Had they known "blood sustains life" as the Bible says (thousands of years before the practice of bloodletting was ceased) maybe some people might not have died from bloodletting - like our first president, George Washington.

This verse was written: between 1440 and 1400 B.C. --- over 3,000 years before we "knew" it.

(Ecclesiastes 1:6)“The wind goes toward the south,And turns around to the north;The wind whirls about continually,And comes again on its circuit.”

Discovery Claim: meteorologist William Ferrell discovered them in 1856.

This verse was written: between the years 971 and 931 B.C. --- nearly 3,000 years before Mr. Ferrell's uncovering of the wind patterns.


(Job 26:7)“He stretches out the north over empty space; He hangs the earth on nothing.”
Discovery Claim: Sir Isaac Newton, in 1650 
This verse was written: between 1900 to 1700 B.C. (many scholars agree that Job is the oldest book in the Bible) so this was about 3500-4000 years prior to Sir Newton's apple.
For those who question why this verse represents the gravitational field, think about it - prior to the discovery of the gravitational field, theories formulated in regards to what held the earth up were not as definite as the Bible's explanation: "He hangs the earth on nothing" (which, obviously, is true - the earth IS on nothing) and Job was written thousands of years before this discovery. 

Other theories include: Atlas - the Greeks believed the earth was held up by Atlas, 

he held the earth on his shoulders. Hindu scriptures say a few different things 

but here is a quick summary of their beliefs regarding what 'held the earth up':   

"Arya (Indo-Aryan) texts repeatedly affirm that the Earth is supported by a serpent. The earths are seven in number, like 7 covers one above the other, the upper one is divided into 7 regions [ al-B. i.228 ]. There exists a serpent, Seshakhya, under the 7th lowest Earth, it has 1000 heads, so it feels no pain and bears the earths one above the other [ al-B. i.237 ]. Other texts say that the Earth is supported on a giant tortoise. Still others hold that this tortoise is in turn on top of a giant snake [ Kovoor 158 ]. Some other texts claim the Earth is held by 4 pillars, held by an elephant seated on a big tortoise [ Panda 69 ]. According to Balabhadra, the earth is in the midst of water, the lower part is immersed in water and the part above the water is round like the back of a tortoise [ al-B i.273 ]." (source: ____________________________________________________________________

As we can see, the Bible had all these facts straight long before anything or anyone else ;)

Irrational Rationalism

Are you a rational person? Is it a term you would use to describe yourself to someone? Let's see...

First - ask yourself - do I agree with rationalism??? Is my own reason (rationality) what I fall back on? Is it what I "answer all the big questions with" so to speak...?


Now that you have established whether or not you agree with rationalism. Let's examine exactly what it is...

"rationalism: a theory that reason is in itself a source of knowledge superior to and independent of sense perceptions." (Merriam-Webster Encyclopedia) 

It says it is "independent of sense perceptions" ... meaning the physical world, our physical selves, implying our reason is separate from the physical. To be simple let's call it spiritual. 

Ok. This means - that "reason in itself" would have to be somehow separated from the physical. However, this makes no determine that one's own reason - that did not exist before you as a person did, is a determining factor in ANYTHING. At all. How can your own reason pre-exist you? How did all the other people get along before your rationality came along? Their OWN? Guess what, same problem, Their rationality cannot BE a determining factor in anything - and so on and so son and so on..............It cannot. Therefore, to assume that our OWN reason, is SEPARATE from the physical world, is basically, ludicrous.  When examined closely...because of course it sounds nice pretty and smart.

Now that I have shown you how rationalism is impossible - would it surprise you if I told you that rationalism has been on the rise ever since it's "conception?" And that until this "rationalistic" movement...the entire world, basically, adhered to the belief in a God, or gods, a spiritual world of some kind. But, since humans have had longer to mingle in their sin - and fall farther and farther from God - rationalism does away with God and says "I am the decider." Obviously...people want to be the logical masters and judges, of their own lives. Sounds reasonable....................................................................not.

"Who else is going to decide anything for me???
God??? What if I don't want Him deciding things for me?"

Well, it is not that it is decided for is simply that it was decided BEfore you. Whether you believe it (with your "rational" mind) or not.

"OK, well, I don't believe in your God."

Did you conclude that with your rational mind as well?

See, it is not that I am claiming any higher knowledge by claiming to know the one true God. I am simply claiming HE is the truth, and that my rational mind is now subjective to His constant perfect state. Me subjecting to a higher "reality" (truth) if you will, is more "rational" than simply going with my own judgement for the simple reason that - it is my own judgement. Because my own judgement did not exist before I did, etc. etc...

Interestingly enough...rationalism is what brought sin into the world...

Genesis 3:1-4 "Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” 

And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’” (note: the woman mis-quotes God - because God had said:: "“Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”" God said SURELY. Not "lest" - meaning "for fear that" or, basically "you might" die...God said SURELY...Satan sees she has mis-quoted God so he uses this to deceive her..)

Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (note: Satan correctly quoted God but added NOT in front of surely.) 

Be like God. Knowing good and evil. Precisely what someone who subscribes to rationalism believes. That they know better than God if there is one - or there isn't one and they decide what they want to decide about what they want to decide. How can that be truth...?

Truth precedes the one who arrives at it.

God told Adam and Eve the blatant truth. Just like He has told all of us - that He came and died for our sins, and Jesus Christ (God Himself) was the atonement for all humankind. We were in an irreconcilable state (sinful humans in the midst of a perfect, holy God who cannot be in the presence of sin..) but GOD provided the payment that was sufficient for each and every human - so that no matter WHAT - every human being has the chance to be saved and have eternal life and communion with God and be perfected - matured. Knowledge unlike what we have here on earth. And...sinless. For all eternity. That is the truth, it preceded us, we can see in Genesis, the very beginning, references to Christ and His atoning sacrifice. (Ask yourself here, why Christ's innocent death is sufficient payment for our eternal souls - because yes, there is a reason. But that is for another time...) So from the very beginning, it has been about Christ - and the very end - will be about Christ. He is the Alpha and Omega - the Beginning and the End. 

"But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good" 
1 Thessalonians 5:21

"The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance." 
2 Peter 3:9

"Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." 
John 14:6

"If God is so perfect and holy, why did He make us sinful?"

This question is a common one.

First let me remind you that you're right, HE made you. HE created you and gave you life. He did NOT have to do that - He is God. We know nothing about what it means to be HIM - in all His holiness.

That being said... :)


He created us, freely gave us life, with the choice (our own choice) to either be HIS, and live in perfection for all eternity - or to be our own governor and use our own rationality – and choose sin – and we are humans, not God, not perfect, so we all SIN. 

What is sin? Don’t like being called a sinner? We are all sinners. It is because to sin means to:

Do something that is contrary to God's nature. God is all that is good, just and pure – therefore if you do something contrary to His perfect nature, you are doing something NOT good – you are sinning. YES. IT’S THAT EASY. People take it personally and “feel bad” well…it is what we ARE. Sinners…out doing things “contrary to God's nature” all the time. 

And the punishment for sin is death. Why? Well. If God continued to let everyone go on living, and sinning and sinning– then He would NEVER, EVER have TRUE communion with His created beings and those beings would never experience the glory that is God in heaven. Death is NOT AN ENDING. God RAISES the dead, He tells us all about it…what’s important is what the dead CHOSE before they died. Death is NOT A BAD THING. Murder is bad, car wrecks are bad, earthquakes are bad, and floods are bad, but just because people DIE? No. The only reason we fear death or think it is a bad thing – is because we are afraid to face a HOLY GOD ON JUDGEMENT DAY – instead of being RECONCILED with that God, knowing the truth, and knowing that death is not the end nor is it the gateway to eternal torment (not torture, torment…torment is pain and suffering – but no one is there with you inflicting it ON you, that would be torture. Torment just…is. No fire and pitchforks…just torment. No light – no nothing – and full awareness for all eternity – it is a complete separation from God.) So, because we know we are only worthy of that place – we have suppressed the truth, because we are ashamed. We should ALL go to that place of torment because we have ALL done things contrary to God’s nature. 

Knowing this, God had this give us a GIFT because (although we are unworthy) He LOVES US. He is the ultimate “parent.” So He "took care" of us, every one of us since Adam... He "took care" of all of us, better than we could any of our own children. We give them life (so to speak...we bring them into the physical world) SO – we give them life in that way, and do we then not hope they do the right thing, but not force them to???

God did it first  

Choosing HIM is the right thing. But it is a CHOICE. And He won’t FORCE you to choose the right thing. He can only show you every reason TO choose Him – if you look. 

SO in order to PROVE that HE and only HE is the RIGHT CHOICE (because of COURSE He doesn't want any of us to go to that awful place…) in order to prove this to us in the most PERFECT and JUST way....and because He can do ANYTHING …

He CHOSE…… do this:

He came as a man, He allowed Himself to be brutally and publicly murdered, for no reason whatsoever.

Not only did He commit no earthly crime and was arrested and killed, but He did not commit ONE spiritual one. He did not sin. Because He was God. The price for sin is innocent blood. 

Who carried out the first animal sacrifice for sin?
God did. In the garden. For Adam and Eve and their original sin…

“ Also for Adam and his wife the Lord God made tunics of skin, and clothed them.” Genesis 3:21

This is documented right after God gives judgment to Satan, Eve and Adam – God using skin, meant an innocent animal had to die.

The price for our sins…would be INNOCENT BLOOD. And to wash them away forever it would have to be the blood of a man. Who has innocent blood but Jesus? 

So think about sin as a SPIRITUAL crime. (Think about it, our court system is BASED ON GOD’S LAWS) JESUS OF NAZARETH – the only SPIRITUALLY INNOCENT man to EVER walk this earth…was MURDERED…His blood was spilled in order to pay for the spiritual crimes of ALL the other humans who ever walked the earth, who were not innocent, who had sinned. 

I feel like as unbelievable outstanding and mind blowing as the God of the Bible IS – that the story it tells is simply the ONLY PERFECT WAY – for an Almighty God, in His perfection, to create other BEINGS that would be able to EXPERIENCE His WONDER for all eternity (out of PURE LOVE…how powerful is that? Why do you think love means so much to so many people…? We are seeking HIS PERFECT LOVE) The only perfect way for Him to create other beings to experience that – was to have them procreate physically, so that He may GIVE them SPIRITUAL life IF they ASK for it. He would not be able to give it to us had Jesus not already died on the cross and shed His innocent blood as payment – because we sin – we are not perfect – yet. 

Why would He not be able to give us spiritual life before we ask for that? BECAUSE HE CANNOT BE IN THE PRESENCE OF SIN and so when we ASK for FORGIVENESS by the blood of Christ we ARE FORGIVEN because we know that was GOD on that cross – who came and lived a sin free life and allowed HIS blood to be shed FOR ALL SIN. Once we say “Ok God, I believe you” and allow Him to come into our lives and take control, we are closer to the state man was made to be in daily, if we pursue a Christ-likeness daily.

So, He created Adam and Eve with LIVING spirits – so they were in their perfect form, because God cannot be in the presence of sin – He is so holy His presence would destroy us – So when they sinned, their spirits died and they lost communion with God. This was intentional as well, I believe – ONLY GOD can give spiritual life, and He can only Give that spiritual life when it is asked for, because instead of being like Adam and Eve who had living spirits and already had communion with God and still chose their own will over His, we are dead in spirit so that we may come to KNOW His awesome power, accept it and be given life that we will cling to… so death HAS to come into play – because since God is infinite – He had to make US everlasting AND PERFECT in order to be in His presence for all eternity. And we know, our physical bodies are NOT eternal. So He promises to give us a new spiritual body upon His return.

Adam and Eve weren't a mistake – death must take place in order for there to be REBIRTH. We get new bodies that are not of Adam so they are untainted, and our spirits, having been awakened here on earth when we ask for forgiveness of our sins by the innocent blood of Jesus Christ, go into those new bodies and we are ABLE – we are ABLE to never sin again and live eternally in the awesome presence of God. Sinless, and satisfied…because we will be where we are MEANT to be.

*Faith Statement*

Now while I am just another person looking for an outlet in writing, since I am going to be doing a lot of writing about God I wanted anyone who chose to read my blogs to know exactly where I stood on the subject of God. So I am writing this faith statement to hopefully answer any and all questions someone may have about my faith.

When I speak of God, I speak of the God of the Bible. I believe the Bible to be true in its entirety. I understand certain texts are descriptive (describing something for us so that we can learn and understand more) and other texts are PREscriptive (telling us to DO those things) and I believe the Bible and its intent are skewed terribly in the mouths of most of us, and that includes preachers/pastors and those who consider themselves teachers of the Word. (**I pray that anything I say about God be in truth and in His will - if someone thinks I am in error in any way feel free to point it out to me. I will not however respond to hateful things - only things someone else or myself can learn from**)

God is a TRIUNE God (One God, three "persons" of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.)God is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient (God is everywhere and always has been, God is all powerful, God is all knowing) (Proverbs 15:3, Isaiah 46:10, Isaiah 45:7)

God is perfect, holy and eternal - therefore anything He creates is not perfect, holy or eternal - not God. In order that He may show love and how awesome He is - He created this world with man as the crown of creation - we are made in the image of God. This means we are triune in nature as well, body, soul and spirit... (1 Thessalonians 5:23 ) However, there is a problem...

We, not being God, are therefore not perfect. We all SIN (sin, original translation means to "miss the mark") And so God created us so that He COULD make us perfect (perfect, original translation means "mature") 

God, in all His holiness, cannot be in the presence of sin. (Isaiah 6:3Habakkuk 1:13) In order to fix this problem, He became a human. The person of Jesus Christ, lived the only sinless life (showing us HOW to live in the process) and allowed Himself to be crucified, murdered. 

The solution was not just His death, no...the finisher of His solution was when He rose from the dead. Hundreds of eye witness accounts, documented. He did this so that we might believe. And He did this because the only way to pay for the sins of every human that ever lived, was if He Himself was the sacrifice. Animal sacrifices described in the Old Testament were only to point to the One, the final sacrifice. Jesus.

If we humble ourselves to the one and only God, knowing that He knows us better than ourselves and so we can put our FULL trust in Him, if we do that He will grant us everlasting spiritual life. That is when we are reborn. We are born again SPIRITUALLY. Born of God. (John 3:1-21From then on we have the same body, but new desires and new aspirations (God's will, we seek it)

I believe when we receive our new spiritual bodies, for our already obtained spirits, that is the perfected, mature state, of the human being. Death is just something that has to happen in ORDER for us to become everlasting, and exist with God for the rest of eternity.

I knew nothing of Jesus or the Bible when I repented and was reborn. I came to LEARN about Jesus and the Bible in my walk with God. So the Bible isn't needed for salvation, neither is the knowledge of Christ and the fact He was (is) God. All that is needed is for someone to put their trust in GOD. We are saved by grace through FAITH. (Ephesians 2:8)

If anyone has questions about God, the Bible, or their faith, please feel free to discuss with me. I don't have a PHD in this but I am a fervent student of His word and I will be happy to talk with anyone about this :)