Thursday, October 9, 2014

Spiritual Life - Some Thoughts


God created space and time and matter – creation – all to reveal Himself to us by entering into His creation and redeeming us from it. Becoming the 'firstborn of many brethren.'

Everyone seems to be seeking a spiritual awakening all while having no clue what spiritual is other than what they themselves decide. This logic is faulty - and we can clearly see we are souls with bodies that are dying, body = physical .. soul = not physical .. soul is who we are. We can also see that our soul is connected to the body now and has been since we came into existence – but we also “know” instinctively we are not “literally” our bodies (ie. If a man loses his arms and legs – he is no less of a man than before – because in reality he is a soul) 

So what if who we are (our soul) needs true life in order to live forever?  This is just the case. Physical life is the blueprint for true, spiritual life. God Himself is Spirit and lets us know how we can be reborn in spirit and exist with Him forever in perfect peace. Free from sin.

How else would you suggest we come to know God but that He did all the work in introducing Himself to us and removing us from this realm? Are we not merely humans? The word human literally means “lowly one.”

I came into the spiritual world with no background in churches or religion of any kind. So since coming to know God and what He has done for us, I am simply more shocked daily at what people are doing in His name; but still unashamed and eager to discuss with anyone willing. 

I find most "Christian" television and music appalling. No wonder everyone thinks we are crazy. From what they allow on TV and in music production sounds like we are all about ourselves and money. Sad that others can represent you before you yourself get a chance to. 

If only people would turn to God instead of allowing their opinion of Him to remain based on the words or actions of other sinners. But - I remember what it was like not to know Him. How can you turn to Someone you have never met? Well folks, therein lies the mystery of God. He has always been and always will be. We must “call upon Him while He is near.”

He is Spirit and must be worshiped in Spirit and in Truth. Acknowledge His truth and receive your spirit. Take Him at His word - let no one else's words throw smoke over His...We are born separated from Him but it does not have to remain that way.

You can bring nothing to Him but He has given everything to you. Your life, your body, and even HIS life and HIS body – He died on the cross and rose again to reveal His power over sin and death. He did not sin while in the body, so His innocent blood is sufficient to forgive us all our sins. We need only acknowledge God as Truth and Love – made manifest in the Person of Jesus of Nazareth.

Unbelievable? Yes. It takes a work of God to believe it. You must be born again. You will surely die - but if you receive new spiritual life by surrendering to God you will never really die, but instead be ushered into the presence of God upon your physical death and see what He has in store for His children.

If you do not receive spiritual life, you will simply remain separated from God, as you were in the body. Your soul will have no spiritual life to allow your soul to go be with God - Who is Spirit. You will remain as you were, as you chose and saw fit, for all eternity.

We must see that God knows better than we.

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