Friday, November 27, 2015

Diabetic Pedicure Guide


If you or someone you love has diabetes, you probably know the importance of foot care, yet for some it is hard or impossible to care for their own feet. There are also several questions surrounding the how-to and how-often. I have done personal research and taken input and advice from multiple sources to come up with this all-in-one DIY Diabetic Pedicure Guide, so that I could better care for a family member. In addition, my recipes for ‘Pedi-Soak’ and ‘Pedi-Scrub’ at the end would be good for anyone, with or without diabetes. Enjoy.
SUPPLIES NEEDED:  Hot water ~ Plastic foot tub or similar container ~ Mild soap ~ Small scrub brush ~ Pumice stone ~ Nail clippers ~ Glass file/Emory board ~ Towels/Cloths ~ Pedi-Scrub (optional) ~ Pedi-Soak ~ Moisturizer ~ Nail polish ~ Gloves
((I also have a contour toe file and a 7-way buffer – these are optional and the tools used will need to be at the diabetic’s discretion ..
You may also need a stool or small chair to make the diabetic more comfortable while resting their feet outside the tub such as when you file/paint nails.))

Pictured below: Pedi-Soak (left) and Sweet Oat Pedi-Scrub (right) *recipes at end of article*

Some sources say to avoid soaking altogether, and give tips on daily foot washing; while that is a good habit to get into, it may be difficult for some. In addition, a pedicure is easier and safer with a wet/soaked foot. It is ultimately up to you, but here are some soaking tips: Before soaking, ensure there are no wounds or dry skin problems, that the water is not too hot, and that you use a good moisturizer after soaking. Soak for shorter amounts of time than you would if you were getting a pedicure at a salon, approximately 10 minutes of soak time per foot. Avoid soaking feet more than 1-2 times within a thirty day period, if possible.

Since shaving can irritate the legs and increase risk of infection, it is best for the diabetic to avoid shaving 2-3 days before having a pedicure. If the diabetic does not have their own pedicure tools, get some for them. Disinfect tools before and after each use and do not allow anyone else to use these supplies (including nail polish/topcoat.)

Set diabetic up comfortably with pants rolled up if needed. Have the foot bath ready and setting on towel to catch drips and splashes. Have other towels nearby.

Examine each foot before placing them in soak, look for cracks/wounds. Touch and feel to see if there are any tender areas you need to avoid. Ask diabetic if they have any new problem areas you are not aware of.
Place both feet in foot bath. Adjust temperature if need be. Let them soak for 5 minutes. After soaking, soap the feet, gently rubbing them all over with washcloth, place in water to rinse. After cleaning them, repeat with some foot scrub (or you can skip this step if you have no scrub.) If using scrub, rub the ankle/calf, the ingredients in the scrub should soothe any epidermal discomfort and encourage healing of any otherwise not so healthy areas of the leg.

Leave one foot soaking, and remove first foot. (This is where a stool may come in handy.) Using scrub brush, remove loose skin. Brush under the toenails if able. Rinse, lift out again and repeat using pumice stone. Use pumice gently where there are callous build ups, focusing on the heel and ball of big toe. If necessary, dip foot in water to help keep it hydrated or to rinse. Then use contour toe file, if you have one.
File the toenails, clip if needed/able but be careful not to cut the diabetic due to risk of infection. You may want to avoid clipping, this is up to you/your diabetic. Use an emery board or glass file (I got my aunt a glass file - they are not as abrasive on the skin should you rub it a bit while filing) to shape the nails and smooth them. Rinse and pat dry clean foot. Rub lotion on the foot, gently massaging foot, ankle and calf with lotion. Wrap foot in a dry towel.
Repeat with second foot. Dry and moisturize the feet. Paint nails!
C’s Sweet Oat Pedi-Scrub (multiple uses)
Removes dead skin, sweet aroma, softens & moisturizes, antifungal, promotes healing.*

½ cup OATS
5 tablespoons XYLITOL (a natural sweetener made from birch or corn)
¾-1 cup WHIPPED COCONUT OIL (can substitute shea butter/any lotion you have if needed)
5 drops CLOVE oil, 4 drops CINNAMON oil, 3 drops ORANGE oil
5 drops vitamin E oil (optional)
TO MAKE: Mix dry ingredients with wooden spoon, whip your coconut oil (it will need to be mostly solid in order to do this) whip with electric whisk for 7-10 minutes, mix the paste with the lotion and add your oils, store in air tight jar in cool dry place. (Coconut oil will melt if room temperature exceeds 76 degrees, so you may want to keep in fridge.) If you are not making your own moisturizer using coconut oil, add small amount of water or carrier oil (like coconut oil or olive oil) to the dry ingredients to make a paste, and just use the paste on feet first, rinse/dry, then use your lotion. The E oil is optional here because Vitamin E is present in coconut oil, but if you want an E boost, add some.
C’s Pedi-Soak (1 time use)
Cleanses feet, can have relaxing or invigorating scent, antifungal, promotes healing.*

Try these oil combinations, using 3-4 drops per oil: PEPPERMINT/LIME … LEMON/CLOVE … LAVENDER/TEA TREE … EUCALYPTUS/ORANGE … any you like really based on your desired aroma and oil properties.

TO MAKE: Mix dry ingredients with wooden spoon, add oils while mixing, if you make more than this for future use, store in air tight jar.

Click here to read more about essential oils and their potential benefits.
GIFT IDEA: Get the pedicure tools, make the body care products, roll up a towel or two and put it all in the foot tub and gift it to a diabetic (or anyone) to give them a thoughtful, helpful present! (Think you’ll like an inflatable foot tub? I got my aunt Dr. Teal’s foot tub and we like it.)

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Information/products found here are not intended to treat or cure any disease. The ingredients used have commonly known benefits agreed upon by many healthcare professionals, some dating back thousands of years; yet everyone is different and should make their own informed decisions about what they use on their skin before using any product.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Spiritual Life - Some Thoughts


God created space and time and matter – creation – all to reveal Himself to us by entering into His creation and redeeming us from it. Becoming the 'firstborn of many brethren.'

Everyone seems to be seeking a spiritual awakening all while having no clue what spiritual is other than what they themselves decide. This logic is faulty - and we can clearly see we are souls with bodies that are dying, body = physical .. soul = not physical .. soul is who we are. We can also see that our soul is connected to the body now and has been since we came into existence – but we also “know” instinctively we are not “literally” our bodies (ie. If a man loses his arms and legs – he is no less of a man than before – because in reality he is a soul) 

So what if who we are (our soul) needs true life in order to live forever?  This is just the case. Physical life is the blueprint for true, spiritual life. God Himself is Spirit and lets us know how we can be reborn in spirit and exist with Him forever in perfect peace. Free from sin.

How else would you suggest we come to know God but that He did all the work in introducing Himself to us and removing us from this realm? Are we not merely humans? The word human literally means “lowly one.”

I came into the spiritual world with no background in churches or religion of any kind. So since coming to know God and what He has done for us, I am simply more shocked daily at what people are doing in His name; but still unashamed and eager to discuss with anyone willing. 

I find most "Christian" television and music appalling. No wonder everyone thinks we are crazy. From what they allow on TV and in music production sounds like we are all about ourselves and money. Sad that others can represent you before you yourself get a chance to. 

If only people would turn to God instead of allowing their opinion of Him to remain based on the words or actions of other sinners. But - I remember what it was like not to know Him. How can you turn to Someone you have never met? Well folks, therein lies the mystery of God. He has always been and always will be. We must “call upon Him while He is near.”

He is Spirit and must be worshiped in Spirit and in Truth. Acknowledge His truth and receive your spirit. Take Him at His word - let no one else's words throw smoke over His...We are born separated from Him but it does not have to remain that way.

You can bring nothing to Him but He has given everything to you. Your life, your body, and even HIS life and HIS body – He died on the cross and rose again to reveal His power over sin and death. He did not sin while in the body, so His innocent blood is sufficient to forgive us all our sins. We need only acknowledge God as Truth and Love – made manifest in the Person of Jesus of Nazareth.

Unbelievable? Yes. It takes a work of God to believe it. You must be born again. You will surely die - but if you receive new spiritual life by surrendering to God you will never really die, but instead be ushered into the presence of God upon your physical death and see what He has in store for His children.

If you do not receive spiritual life, you will simply remain separated from God, as you were in the body. Your soul will have no spiritual life to allow your soul to go be with God - Who is Spirit. You will remain as you were, as you chose and saw fit, for all eternity.

We must see that God knows better than we.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Grand Proposal

My maiden name means "burnt meadow" or "burnt woodland clearing" - shortly after coming to know God, I came to know my husband. My maiden name, fittingly, "burned up" and I took on a new one.

Because of the tradition of swapping names, I actually looked into it to see if it was something I cared to do. Brides originally took the last name of their bridegroom not to show he is greater, but to signify them surrendering their life, their being, to this man, all that he is, and for his love that he will provide for her. The man, likewise, surrenders his very name, and being, to the woman. Extending his existence into another being - hers alone.

Beautiful - at least I think so. Maybe you do, too.

That's because God made man and woman to be a picture of Christ and His Bride (the church - the entire born again population that exists with Him forever) In heaven, God will provide everything, perfectly for everyone, and (of course) know everything...and by definition God is eternal (we were made to learn......about Him.....hence eternity is "set in our hearts") There - this new world (coming after this one is somewhat like a "burnt meadow") this...Heaven we've heard so much about, He will have perfect union with His people.

It is as if God proposed to us...the human race, if we follow the Bible's logic. He gives us a new identity, and we gladly give our lives to Him for it.

Hey - you think maybe that is why men began "popping the question" ... ? Makes it harder to say ... no. ;D !

<3 But God...He is patient.

'All flesh is grass,
    and all its beauty is like the flower of the field.
The grass withers, the flower fades
    when the breath of the Lord blows on it;
    surely the people are grass.
The grass withers, the flower fades,
    but the word of our God will stand forever.'
Isaiah 40:6-8